Did you Forget… About Sep. 23? Did you Forget…

HEY EVERYBODY! check out Demi’s video, talking about her NEW CD! shes on the set of her new show, hanging with the cast! BTW, can you spot any actors/actresses that you’ve seen on HM? we know we can!!

September 22, 2008. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Uncategorized. 1 comment.


yay!!!! we’re so proud of you Sel, and we cant wait to see the awesome movie 🙂

ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK J! 16 already, wasn’t it like two minutes ago you were 13? 😉 we love you both

xoxo Hollywood_Life

September 16, 2008. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Uncategorized. 1 comment.

Swift Dishes on JB’s purity Rings

Swift talks to Hollyscoop about Jonas Brothers purity rings at the Another Cinderella Story DVD release: she quote, unquote said:

‘The Jonas Brothers are amazing and they have great attitudes about everything. I think the way they’ve handled it has been amazing.’

we love you TAYLOR!!

September 16, 2008. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , . Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Is Ali moving in with Big Sis Lindsay?

Since Lindsay Lohan is finally back in order, and doing well she feels like she can finally put Ali in the spot light, and kick off HER [Ali’s] career! An insider exclusivley told celebrity columnist Mike Walker,
‘Lindsay really wants to bond and see more of Ali because she thinks that now, finally, she can be a positive influence and create a successful career for her. Lindsay has been telling friends she believes she can show Ali what “Hollywood is really all about.”

Do you think this is a good idea, will it lead LL back to her bad self… will it kick off Ali’s career? you tell us 🙂

September 14, 2008. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Uncategorized. Leave a comment.