Miley to Star in a new Disney movie!

Variety us saying that Miley Ray Cyrus is going to star in a new Disney movie, title unknown at press time, produced by mama Tish Cyrus! It is rumored to be a romanic movie written especially for Miles by author Nicholas Sparks.

Sparks is writing an untitled novel and simultaneously working on a screenplay adaptation for the film, which will be produced by Disney-based Offspring Entertainment partners Adam Shankman and Jennifer Gibgot. Tish Cyrus will be exec producer.

This sounds like a good path for Miley to be taking, because she always says she wants to move on to an older audience, and this seems like a good way to do it. It’s right in the middle because it’s still Disney, so it’s not TOO big of a jump, but it is a romantic, non-musical film, so it is likely to have more serious acting and should help her to not be known as JUST Hannah Montana and a singer.

We can’t wait to learn more about this movie!

They haven’t announced what the movies going to be about, but we’re guessing it might be something like Mandy Moore’s A Walk To Remember.

A Walk to Remember’ moved Mandy Moore away from a pop persona, and similarly, Cyrus won’t sing but only act in the Sparks drama that touches on family and romance.

I think this is a great path for Miley to be taking because she is always talking about how she wants to branch out to an older audience and this seems like a perfect way to do it, because it is right in the middle. It’s still a Disney movie, so it’s not a HUGE jump or anything, but if it is like a Walk To Remember, it will deffinetly have an older feel, and since their won’t be singing in this movie, she will probably be taken more seriously as an actress, rather than being known as “tween pop sensation Hannah Montana”.

September 17, 2008. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Newly Sixteen year old Nick J and his birthday puppy!

It appears that for Nick’s big birthday, he didn’t get a car, he got a PUPPY!! And what a cute one!! We wonder what he named it? We’re so happy for him!! He’s almost smiley at the paparazzi! He must’ve been in a really great mood 🙂

September 17, 2008. Uncategorized. 3 comments.

Justin and Miley spotted out again!

Miley Ray and Justin Gaston were seen out yet again in California at the Universal City Walk! We think he’s soo cute! Miley’s outfit is really awesome too! We’re trying to figure out if they’re dating? What do you think?… and what should their couple name be.. Jiley? Mustin? Jiley Ray? haha let us know 🙂

September 17, 2008. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Ashley, Jared, and Maui going on a trip!

Jashley (Ashley Tisdale and Jared Murillo) were spotted earlier this week at the LAX airport in CA. I wonder wear they went? We love Ash’s outfit, Jared looks so cute, and so does Maui hehe

We feel kind of bad how they follow her around though. That must be so annoying.

September 17, 2008. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Alyson Stoner with THE REAL BIG ROB :)

Here’s Alyson Stoner’s latest youtube video with everyone’s favorite body guard BIG ROB!! He’s like a star in his own right now hehe 🙂 We love you Big Rob!

September 16, 2008. Uncategorized. 1 comment.

SelGo Out Shopping with Mama!

Selena, with her LOVELY new haircut, headed out to the Card Heaven Store to shop for gift cards with her mom! Perhaps for Nick J’s Sweet Sixteen today? Who Know! After that, they stopped to get a yogurt at Menchie Frozen Yogurts! Yum! Sel looks SOOO PRETTY!

September 16, 2008. Uncategorized. 1 comment.


yay!!!! we’re so proud of you Sel, and we cant wait to see the awesome movie 🙂

ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK J! 16 already, wasn’t it like two minutes ago you were 13? 😉 we love you both

xoxo Hollywood_Life

September 16, 2008. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Uncategorized. 1 comment.

The Jonas Brothers DO Read Your Comments!!

Aww,the Jonas Boys are soo sweet! In this interview with Popstar!, they talk about how they DO indeed read fans comments on their myspace page and such AND how Joe sometimes posts comments himself 😛 Enjoy!

September 16, 2008. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Swift Dishes on JB’s purity Rings

Swift talks to Hollyscoop about Jonas Brothers purity rings at the Another Cinderella Story DVD release: she quote, unquote said:

‘The Jonas Brothers are amazing and they have great attitudes about everything. I think the way they’ve handled it has been amazing.’

we love you TAYLOR!!

September 16, 2008. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , . Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Miley Cyrus’ Memory Box

Miley just told J-14 magazine that even after she breaks up with a guy, she keeps a box with his stuff in it to look back on and remember him by.

I have a box for everyone—that’s what I’m all about,” she tells J-14. “When you’re older, you’re gonna want to look back on that stuff cause it’s a big learning process, a part of life.

Aww, that’s so sweet Miley!! We think it’s a good idea too!

September 16, 2008. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

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